Monday, August 01, 2005

The Dream - Part 2

No words broke the peaceful calm of our ethereal rendezvous
Where we might have spoken, eyes told more than lips are able to
Though my gaze could pass right through him, round his waist my arms did stay
And I’ve never felt a warmth or touch to match his to this day

So in blissful, joyous heaven did my heart and soul reside
Quite suspended in that instance; in the air and by his side
No fear entered, no sense deadened, no corrupted imagery
No thing other than myself, and this enchanted entity

Then my suitor brought our eyes to meet, his brightest emerald green
And ‘twas then that he was clearer than he had quite ever been
His touch now was even warmer, his grip firmer, gentler still
My whole body, soul, conformed to his; my being bent to his will


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